Digital Library-Online Reference Books

Dr. Robbins preached in the south parish of East Windsor, Connecticut (now South Windsor), June, 1808, and ending in September, 1827. 

Diary of Thomas Robbins, D.D., 1796-1854 vol. 1

Diary of Thomas Robbins, D.D., 1796-1854 vol.2



The History of Ancient Windsor, Connecticut, Vol. 1, By Henry R. Stiles

The History of Ancient Windsor, Connecticut, Vol. 2, By Henry R. Stiles

Supplement to The History of Ancient Windsor, Connecticut, including East Windsor, South Windsor, and Ellington, prior to 1768, By Henry R. Stiles




Windsor Farmes 1694-1750, John Alden Stoughton


The Historical Status of the Negro in Connecticut,  by William C. Fowler

Notes on Connecticut as a Slave State, by E.B. Bronson printed in The Journal of Negro History, Volume II, 1917.




History of Slavery in Connecticut, by Bernard Steiner, 1893



Life of John Fitch, the inventor of the steam-boat, by Thompson Westcott, 1857


History of the American Clock Business for the Past Sixty Years, and Life of Chauncey Jerome, Jerome, Chauncey, and Lockwood Barr, New Haven, CT: F.C. Dayton, 1860.


A New History of Old Windsor Connecticut, by Daniel Howard, 1935.








A treatise on the culture of the tobacco plant, by Jonathan Carver, 1710-1780.


East Hartford: It’s History and Tradition by Goodwin, Joseph Olcott, 1879.

Connecticut circa 1625 : its Indian trails, villages and sachendoms, by Spiess, Mathias, 1934.

A digest of the early Connecticut probate records Volume 1 (1635-1700)
Volume 2 (1700-1729)
Volume 3 (1729-1750) by Manwaring, Charles William, 1904.

All three volumes also available on HathiTrust.





The Connecticut River and the Valley of the Connecticut, by Bacon, Edwin Munroe, 1907.

Valley towns of Connecticut by Genthe, Martha Krug 1907.

Burt’s illustrated guide of the Connecticut Valley, by Burt, Henry M. (Henry Martyn), 1867.

Early days in the Connecticut Valley, by Walker, Alice M. (Alice Morehouse), 1901.