Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Gingerbread House Festival?
Beginning in 2010, the historic and beautiful Wood Memorial Library & Museum has been decorated for the season and transforms into a winter wonderland filled with more than 150 gingerbread houses on display (the largest in New England!).  This festival is a major fundraiser for the Friends of Wood Memorial Library & Museum and supports our educational programs and exhibitions throughout the year. In 2019 (prior to Covid), we saw more than 10,000 visitors come through our door!  The Gingerbread House Festival was founded by Main Street resident and ardent Wood supporter, Bonnie Grover and run by a dedicated group of volunteers.  Additional live entertainment, raffles and an artisanal gift shop also add to the festivities.

Where is the festival?

The festival is located at Wood Memorial Library and Museum at 783 Main Street in South Windsor, Connecticut.

When can I visit?

2022 Gingerbread House Festival: The Nutcracker

The festival will be on display beginning on the the day after Thanksgiving (Friday, November 29, 2024) through Sunday, December 22, 2024.  Hours are Thursdays and Fridays between 10am and 7pm or Saturdays and Sundays between 10am and 5pm.  Note that this year, raffle ticket sales will end early at Noon on Sunday 12/22.  

How much does it cost to attend?
The festival is FREE and open to the public.  However, donations from individuals visiting the festival are greatly appreciated, and we suggest an entry donation of $5-10 per person which can be made as a donation in the lobby, toward the cost of raffle tickets, or spent in the gift shop!  If you don’t carry cash and would like to make a donation online, you can do so at the link below.  

Can I display a gingerbread house?
Yes!  We welcome gingerbread house submissions from all members of the community.  There is no fee, and it is not a juried competition, but your creation might be recognized for its creativity, use of color or similar!  Register your house(s) here.  

Can I come play live music?

Yes!  Please note that we do not have funds to pay performers.  Use our new online calendar signup here.

Can I volunteer to help with the festival?
Yes, please yes!  We rely on a huge number of volunteers to make this festival possible year after year. 

Adult sign-up form and Student sign-up form

Can I win a house to take home?  

Yes!  Any house with a red box you can win by purchasing raffle tickets.  

Due to unforeseen circumstances we will be will be closed Monday, March 3, 2025. We apologize for any inconvenience.
We will re-open to the public Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 9am.