Sell at the Festival

Beginning in 2017, we now accept local artisans to sell in our Gingerbread House Festival Gift Shop.

The application to sell in 2024 is now closed.

Is there a fee to sell in the shop?
No, but we accept items on consignment, and retain 30% of the gross proceeds.  The 30% commission paid to the Friends is considered a donation and you will receive a tax-deductible receipt. 

We also ask, though it’s not required, that you donate something for our raffle table, worth approximately $25.  The raffle table serves as a great marketing tool.

2022 Gingerbread Festival Shop

How does it work?
Local artisans are identified who have items and price points that will complement our shop and will have a high success rate of sales.  We try not have several competing vendors (i.e. two soap makers).   

What is required of me?

We require that you price your items in advance and place tags or stickers, identifying yourself and the price.  If possible, it is preferable to add your four-digit consigner number to the tag or sticker as well (we will provide you with this number should be accepted).  We also require a simple inventory count of the items you are selling.  

Do I have to be onsite for all 15 days of the festival?
No.  We have volunteers who staff the festival, under the watchful eye of staff and board member “managers on duty.”  There will always be one person in the shop at all times knowledgeable about the products and artisans to ensure that your items ring up correctly.  You are also encouraged to volunteer in the shop as well.  Volunteer sign-ups will begin in October.

What types of items are you looking for?

We are looking for handmade items only (no direct sales merchandise).  We find that visitors love stocking stuffer items, small trinkets for kids and we’re always looking for men’s items.  Popular prices points are $7-$25, however higher-end, unique and quality items priced higher can also do well.  While Christmas items sell wonderfully, other items do well too, 

Do I need to be from or based in South Windsor?


Is there an application process?

Yes.  Please click here

I’ve sold in the Gingerbread Shop in the past.  Am I guaranteed to be accepted again?

Over the years the Gingerbread Shop has become more and more popular. The demand for inclusion and display space has exploded.  While we want to expand as much as possible, we also do not like to duplicate items and find that shoppers like to see a variety from year to year.  We also examine how popular various items and artisans are. In 2024 more than ever, this means that if you have sold with us in the past, it does not guarantee a spot for this year.  

When will I know if I’ve been accepted to sell in the 2024 Gingerbread House Festival Shop?

You will be notified if you are selected to participate by October 7.

Who decides the price of my items?

You do.  However, we are happy to make recommendations to price things to sell.  Remember, if you’re not selling and earning money, then we aren’t either, and this is an important fundraiser for our organization.

When do I bring my items to Wood, and how many?

2024 drop-off dates are:  

    • Monday, November 11  Noon-4pm
    • Thursday, November 14 2-6pm
    • Monday, November 18 Noon-4pm
    • Thursday, November 21 1-5pm
    • Saturday, November 23  10-2pm

Keep in mind the festival runs for 15 days, with thousands of visitors.  From time to time during the festival, we can give you an idea of how your items are selling, and if necessary, you can drop off more inventory, or even potentially adjust your prices.

When do I pick up my unsold inventory?

We will be open for pickup on Monday, December 23 Noon – 4pm or Thursday, January 2 from Noon-4pm.  Or, special arrangements can be made for after the New Year.

When will I receive my check?

After a thorough accounting, we will mail you a seller report and a check for 70% of your gross proceeds in the first two weeks of January.

For more information, contact our shop manager, Cherish Lisee, at


Due to unforeseen circumstances we will be will be closed Monday, March 3, 2025. We apologize for any inconvenience.
We will re-open to the public Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 9am.