1. St. Peter’s Episcopal Church

By Mrs. Janet Smith

St. Peter’s Episcopal Church was begun in 1952 when over one hundred potential parishioners gathered for the first service of worship at the Wapping School.  Later that year, the Episcopal Diocese established a mission to be called St. Peter’s, Wapping.  Wapping is a section of London-on-the-Thames and the parish church there is St. Peter’s.  St. Peter’s was chosen by the parish as a reflection of the historic continuity with with England.  It is noteworthy the English St. Peter’s was the first home mission in London, established in 1856. The church, located at the corner of Sullivan Avenue and Sand Hill Road was built and dedicated in 1964.



Please note that despite possible inaccuracies, we will include the description of each quilt square as published in the 1995 revised and corrected second edition booklet. This second edition was published in celebration of South Windsor’s “sesquicentennial” anniversary, 1845-1995, and was dedicated to the memory of Gail Woodard, who passed away in 1994. The revised edition was compiled by Charles E. Woodward in September, 1995, with the assistance of Doris Burgdorf who provided many historical corrections.