11. Veterans Memorial Park

By Mrs. Sandra Billings

This Town park, located on the banks of the Podunk River, is known to most townsfolk as Spring Pond.  The area was operated as a swimming and ice skating pond by Elsie and Ephraim Cowles before being sold by their heirs to the Town.  The site was renamed, “Veterans Memorial Park.”  Many years before, there were paper mills located on the Podunk River across the road from Spring Pond.  The last paper mill burned in 1884.  In 1869, the Clapp Manufacturing Company was located at Spring Pond opposite the paper mill.  Here they made rakes.  Today our children swim and play in this beautiful recreation area surrounded by the “historical ghosts” of the years gone by.



Please note that despite possible inaccuracies, we will include the description of each quilt square as published in the 1995 revised and corrected second edition booklet.  This second edition was published in celebration of South Windsor’s “sesquicentennial” anniversary, 1845-1995, and was dedicated to the memory of Gail Woodard, who passed away in 1994.  The revised edition was compiled by Charles E. Woodward in September, 1995, with the assistance of Doris Burgdorf who provided many historical corrections.